The Daily Courier

Canadian home sales fall 16.9%


Canada’s national average home price was down five per cent and sales volume was down 16.9 per cent in February compared with a year ago, evidence that many buyers raced to purchase before new mortgage rules came into effect.

There was also a 6.5 per cent decline in transactio­ns between January and February, the second month-over-month decline and the lowest reading in nearly five years, the Canadian Real Estate Associatio­n reported Thursday.

CREA’s latest monthly statistics show that home sales were down in February in almost three quarters of all local housing markets tracked by the national associatio­n.

“The drop off in sales activity following the record-breaking peak late last year confirms that many homebuyers moved purchase decisions forward late last year before tighter mortgage rules took effect in January,” said Gregory Klump, CREA’s chief economist in a statement Thursday.

The number of homes sold nationally in December hit a record high, ahead of a new stress test for uninsured mortgages that requires potential buyers to show they can service their mortgage payments if rates increase.

The federal banking regulator’s tougher rules, which took effect Jan. 1, now require a stress test to be applied even to borrowers with more than 20 per cent down payment.

To qualify for federally regulated mortgages, borrowers must be able to afford interest rates that are two percentage points above the contracted rate or the Bank of Canada’s five-year benchmark rate, whichever is higher.

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