The Daily Courier

Horgan lacking in common sense


Dear Editor: If “Helpless Horgan” is so concerned about the environmen­t, why does he not do something about the sewers in Victoria?

The sewers have been dumping raw sewage into the Pacific Ocean since the city began. Check it out on the internet and see the results, it is sickening.

The NDP say they want to protect the coastline so what about this sewer mess that needs to be dealt with a hell of a lot more than the much needed pipeline.

On another note, the NDP started ICBC insurance business and what a mess it turned into. Our insurance rates are going up and nothing is being done about that. We need private insurance, not socialist mandatory coverage. “HH” has got to go.

Fuel prices are going to keep rising and what is HH doing about it? Nothing, same as insurance.

HH is wasting millions of our tax dollars on legal fees regarding the much needed pipeline and getting nothing accomplish­ed, only raising the price of fuel and getting his picture on TV and in the paper. He looks so proud, but proud of what? HH has got to go.

More than 19,000 tanker ships loaded with oil have been hauled from Alaska and every day this number is increasing.

We need the pipeline in order to help get the economy back on track.

Common sense is something that HH does not seem to understand. I kid you not, the sooner we get rid of HH the better off we will be.

HH has got to go. Neil Walste Penticton

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