The Daily Courier

No more running barefoot in grass


Dear editor: To think that a child can no longer run barefoot in the grass for fear of being pricked by your dirty discarded filthy needle. Damn you, the drug addict.

To the smoker who tosses out another butt and causes a world of fire and fear to all those innocent ordinary people and the wild animals, damn you.

To the homeless who give up and refuse any help, then succumb to living in squaller and putting your loved ones and family through hell, damn you.

To the rich man, who has convinced himself that he is so above average and not to be confused with the peasants thus putting himself above the law, damn you.

To the politician who gets elected on a handful of firm sincere promises only to renege on them as soon as his ass is firmly planted at the public trough, damn you.

To the gutless judge who directs the courtroom based on past, out-of-date precedents and doesn't have the spheres to see that “new justice” is served to all the dangerous prolific offenders, damn you.

To the average Joe who sees a wrongdoing, then from past experience with the system turns a blind eye and says nothing when he should have stood up and been counted, damn you.

To the low-life thief who breaks into your home and steals from you, leaving you with a feeling of being used and unsafe and insecure in your once lovely family safe domicile, damn you.

And finally, to the school bully and your cowardly gutless followers, the bullies who always pick on the smallest weakest meekest kid in the class, making it a certainty that you surely guide and send them on the quiet dark secret personal path to suicide, damn you. Don Smithyman Oliver

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