The Daily Courier

Reading glasses sought for Nepal


Rotarian and optician Catharine Goheen is collecting reading glasses for the next eight days to take with her to Nepal.

Goheen, who has collected and taken glasses to Third World countries for years, hopes to have two suitcases full by Nov. 16.

They will go to the Dang region of Nepal, where the Kelowna-based charity Her Internatio­nal has been working to help lift women and girls out of poverty and slavery, and send them to school.

“As these mothers approach their 40s, many of them begin to lose their close vision. If they wish to continue working with crafts, they need to see close. As well, the men need to see close to fix a bike or repair anything,” said Goheen.

Glasses can be dropped off at Dr. Specs Optical in Orchard Plaza.

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