The Daily Courier

Local musician has the Quarantine Blues


How are people returning from internatio­nal travel spending their time as they self-quarantine in their homes for 14 days?

If you’re Ben Klick, the up-and-coming country music artist from West Kelowna, you write a light-hearted song and make a music video about it.

With all the bad news about COVID-19 being reported, Klick wanted to make people smile, whether they are his fans, family or somebody on the other side of the world having a tough time.

Klick had been in Nashville since mid-November. While he had planned to return to Canada in March, the COVID-19 pandemic made him come home a little earlier than expected.

Klick’s dad Áew down to Nashville to help with the drive back home.

“We made a little bit more of a beeline for the border as things started to get a little bit worse,” said Klick.

Klick and his father arrived home in the middle of last week and both are self-quarantini­ng for 14 days.

Klick came up with the catchy “Quarantine Blues” while working out at home Friday morning.

“As I’m lifting some weights and walking on the treadmill I had a melody in my head and all of a sudden I started singing the chorus while I’m running on the treadmill,” said Klick.

He went up to his room to write and within about two hours the song was done and recorded.

Klick used his cellphone rigged on a paper towel roll stand to Àlm the light-hearted video of him keeping himself entertaine­d during quarantine along with a message for people to be safe, kind, respectful and considerat­e to one another.

The entire project took from 8 a.m. to about 6 p.m. and Klick posted the video online Saturday morning.

“I wanted to put out a little fun, cute video to calm people down and put a smile on their faces,” he said.

Making the “Quarantine Blues” video has sparked a bit of a video bug in Klick, and along with video chatting with family, rescheduli­ng his summer tour and working on new music, Klick is working on acoustic guitar videos of previously released songs.

“What better time to hunker down and Àlm some videos,” he said.

Klick said Saturday afternoon that both he and his father, who has multiple sclerosis, are feeling Àne.

You can watch the “Quarantine Blues” video online at kelownadai­, on Klick’s Facebook page or on YouTube.

 ?? ?? After returning from Nashville, local performer Ben Klick had to go into quarantine for 14 days. After returning from Nashville, local performer Ben Klick had to go into quarantine for 14 days.

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