The Daily Courier

Boom times last until fear sets in

- BERNIE BATES Bee in the Bonnet Email Bernie Bates at: beeinthebo­

Like a spider’s web, we’re all connected, whether you like it or not.

As an example, I depend on you reading my lit-wit so this newspaper can spread the word.

In this day and age, quicker than a cat, the click of a mouse can change the life of some lucky dog on the other side of the world.

With the electronic age all around us, knowledge is a click away, and as we all know knowledge is power. And how do you measure power? The answer is as easy as counting on your Àngers.

If you can buy low and sell high – soon my son you’ll be the man – then you can make the rules, and even break the rules.

But one of the unbreakabl­e rules is: if you have to answer to someone, you’re not the ‘Man/Woman.’

If you own a business – you can just set back and let the money roll in – I can hear smirks, and eyeballs roll at the premise that owning a business is as easy as a big-boned woman falls off a diet.

It all starts at childhood; put two toddlers in a crib with one toy and as sure as a big-boned man loves to eat pie one of the rug-rats will cry.

We all claw and Àght to be king of the hill. We compete with everyone we met – tell me you don’t size people up, by their looks, the way they’re dressed, their haircut; not to mention that mole on the side of their nose.

It’s just in our nature to be better than the Joneses. A bigger house, the latest car and Facebook posts of your fabulous vacations; that are so cool that they’ll make the Joneses want to die of jealousy.

When times are good, people tend to spend, invest, go on fancy vacations – until the bucks stop, my dear.

Your Poopsie won’t be able to buy that new toy or jump for joy at this year’s proÀts. Then as sure as a bear does his business in the woods; businesses faulter and fear sets in.

And fear spreads faster than a grass Àre on a windy day. This is when the web – that we’re so reliant on to feed us, cloth us and inform us – becomes a trap.

Production falls, transporta­tion gets held up and people get laid off. The Àrst ones to feel the heartache are the poor folks who are living from paycheque to paycheque.

When everyone tightens their belts at the same time; you can bet the farm, that a recession isn’t far from repossessi­ng your farm.

Here in the valley of plenty. surrounded by nature’s natural beauty makes it a wonderful place to do business; unless you’re in the tourism business, work in tourism, supply the industry or in any way depend upon the Joneses going on a summer holiday this year.

I think you should be ready to put another notch in your belt. Ready yourself for a storm, and let’s all hope this economic storm doesn’t last too long.

It looks like a crappy summer with this virus plaguing society at every level, but what can we do? Should we panic and buy all the toilet paper we can get our greedy little hands on?

As one businessma­n told me: “People need to keep their shit together, because this too will pass.”

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