The Daily Courier

People with nothing to lose tell us what to do


Dear Editor:

Here is why I have trouble listening to people who want to tell me what to do.

These people telling me I should stay home or telling businesses to close down and wait till they till you’re told you can re-open have nothing to lose.

Prices at grocery stores have gone up and any specials were yesterday’s prices. Prices will continue to go up and the federal debt will exceed $1 trillion and adding up provincial debts will be exceed another $1 trillion.

Here is why does not matter to people who tell us what we should do. Federal employees just got a raise and I’m sure next year and every year after, federal and provincial employees along with government corporatio­ns and teachers will get raises to offset costof-living increases because they all have monopoly unions.

If federal employees, provincial employees and teachers will take a 30% pay cut to feel same pain that Canadians feel, then my ears are open to listen .

I was playing tennis in Lakeview Heights a few days before the lockdown and everyone was practising social distancing, but they decided to lock down the courts because they could.

Same with courts in Kelowna. I hear Vernon courts are open and can only wish they were responsibl­e for Kelowna, West Kelowna and Peachland courts and outdoor activities.

When it comes time to vote, vote all of them out of office and hope a person with common sense runs for council.

Otherwise, the only thing I can suggest is to blockade our rail lines.

Mike Polvere, Peachland

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