The Daily Courier

Local solutions to community crime


Dear Editor:

RCMP Supt. Brian Hunter raised some interestin­g points about policing smaller communitie­s in his report to the Regional District Board (Herald, May 22).

He is suggesting letting local detachment commanders have more power to address issues of crime related to their communitie­s. Of course, Crime Prevention experts have known for years that local solutions to local problems is a sound policing philosophy that produces results.

Coincident­ally, on the same day as the RDOS meeting the Penticton Herald reports of a decision struck between a judge in Prince George and prosecutio­n services to expel a prolific offender from the community. A ‘local’ solution to the ongoing problem many of our communitie­s face of “revolving door justice.”

Another example that could be used with great promise is the nationally recognized Court Watch Program. Their website lays out a number of principles upon which our system of justice should be based. One of which is “that the community should play a vital role and should work cooperativ­ely with the courts and legal profession to help ensure that justice is being interprete­d and delivered in a manner expected by the community for its citizens.”

This seems to be a logical element in a larger crime reduction strategy sought by our chief of police.

As citizens it is up to us to apply the necessary political pressure to make our community safer!

David Perry, Penticton

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