The Daily Courier

Kelowna gets grant to push sprinklers


The Kelowna fire department has received a grant to promote the use of home fire sprinklers.

The Co-operators insurance company, Canadian Automatic Sprinkler Associatio­n and non-profit Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition awarded $500 and $1,000 grants to 15 Canadian fire department­s.

Fire Department­s may use the stipends to build or refurbish sprinkler demonstrat­ions or displays, or create an educationa­l banner.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, stipend rules were modified to allow fire department­s to host virtual events or boost social media messages.

Only fire department­s that participat­e in HFSC’s free Built for Life Fire Department program were allowed to apply for the stipends.

The program provides free resources and materials. Fire department­s commit to including home fire sprinkler informatio­n in their public education and outreach programs.

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