The Daily Courier

O’Toole pushing for rapid test after brush with virus


OTTAWA — Conservati­ve Leader Erin O’Toole says the federal government is causing a COVID-19 disaster by not moving more quickly to approve rapid testing methods that are already in use in other countries.

O’Toole and his family were tested Thursday for COVID-19 through a program for MPs, after waiting for several hours to be tested on Wednesday and having to give up.

He slammed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for failing to improve testing.

“The Trudeau Liberals have created this mess by refusing to approve other testing methods — despite all our allies having, for months, multiple tests including much faster and less invasive methods,” said O’Toole. “I stand with the thousands of Canadian families who are waiting in lines today for tests.”

O’Toole, his wife Rebecca and their children Mollie and Jack are all in isolation after an O’Toole staff member he was travelling with tested positive for COVID-19 this week.

Demand for COVID-19 testing has skyrockete­d this week as kids returned to school. In Ottawa, some people are waiting up to six hours for testing, if they can get in at all. Public health is scrambling to hire and train enough people to expand testing sites, and Ottawa did add four hours to the daily schedule of one main testing site Thursday.

Ontario Heritage Minister Lisa McLeod, who represents an Ottawa riding at Queen’s Park, also said on Twitter the province was helping to open three pop-up testing sites in the nation’s capital later this week.

The U.S. has approved two rapid tests that can deliver results as fast as 15 minutes. They are faster and cheaper than the current tests Canada uses, known as PCR testing.

They can take up to 24 hours to deliver a result, which has to be done in a lab.

Antigen tests, which are used for a number of other viruses like strep throat or the flu, can be analyzed right at the site a test is taken. They could therefore be deployed to schools, long-term care homes, or other high-risk environmen­ts where rapid results are vital; however, they are also not always as accurate as PCR tests, which are considered gold standard for detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu said Wednesday that Ottawa is reviewing applicatio­ns for rapid testing devices but will not approve them until they meet Canada’s standards for accuracy.

“The holdup is the technology has not accelerate­d to the point where we have received a test for approval that has an accuracy to the degree that we believe it is prudent to allow it into the Canadian market,” she said.

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