The Daily Courier

Alison Victoria


With the seaside-home-renovation competitio­n “Battle of the Beach” now added to the other projects you do for HGTV and Discovery Networks, does it seem to you like you work pretty much year-round for them?

You know, it’s been pretty awesome, this whole experience. They truly are my family, and they support me through all of it. They absolutely have been the wind beneath my wings.

They know I’m a hard worker. I don’t mess around; I get my work ethic from my father, and I just get up and I go. I love what I do, and if I don’t, I don’t say “Yes” just to do another show. I have to really believe in it and understand it. That they continue to put my name in the hat for all these shows they have, I love them and I’m extremely loved. And I can feel it.

What do you think of your fellow mentors to the teams on “Battle on the Beach,” Ty Pennington and Taniya Nayak?

Taniya is a real powerhouse and somebody who leads by example, so I know she took it very

seriously. And Ty ... I love him! He’s just this creative burst of life and energy, and it’s hard to not learn from him. You have to hold on tight,

because he’s such a force. We all have so much passion for what we do.

One thing that my team said was, “We didn’t know what to expect. This isn’t just television; you guys don’t just show up and do the shots for TV and walk away. You’re in it, getting your hands dirty and sweating and stressing right there with us.” That was a beautiful compliment, and a great

takeaway for us.

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