The Daily Courier

Stepdad faces jail for child pornograph­y

Editor’s note: The following contains graphic content. Reader discretion is advised.


Just four days after a Penticton man sent nude photos of his teenaged stepdaught­er to an undercover FBI agent in the U.S., local police were knocking on his door.

Now the Crown wants the offender, who can’t be named due to a publicatio­n ban meant to protect the girl’s identity, sent to prison for at least three years.

The offender pleaded guilty to a single count of importing or distributi­ng child pornograph­y and his sentencing hearing began Tuesday in B.C. Supreme Court. In exchange for his plea, three additional counts are expected to be stayed at the conclusion of the hearing, which is slated to run in bits and pieces through the week.

Crown counsel Ann Lerchs opened her submission­s by calling for a prison sentence in the range of 36 to 42 months.

Reading from the police report, Lerchs said the offender on Jan. 7, 2020, began communicat­ing via the Kik online messaging service with the undercover FBI agent, who was posing as a pedophile in a chat room where members exchanged child pornograph­y and erotica.

The FBI agent struck up a digital conversati­on with the offender, and over the next day received 13 different images of the offender’s stepdaught­er in various states of undress. The images were recorded using spy cameras the offender set up in his family’s home, including the bathroom.

The offender admitted he was attracted to the girl, then 15, and had been secretly recording her since she was 12. The FBI agent even got the offender to send a fresh photo showing the offender holding up three fingers in front of a unique shower curtain that was in the background of one of the girl’s photos.

With that confirmati­on in hand the FBI alerted the RCMP, who executed a search warrant at the offender’s Penticton home on Jan. 11, 2020.

Mounties seized electronic­s and storage devices containing 314 images and 20 videos that met the definition of child pornograph­y. Some of the images and videos depicted the stepdaught­er, while others showed unknown females between the ages of five and 15.

Turning to a pre-sentencing report and psychologi­cal assessment delving into the offender’s background, Lerchs said the offender reported a long-standing interest in teenaged girls and was pegged as an average risk to reoffend.

Meanwhile, the victim’s mother reports the girl is attending counsellin­g and doing “well,” said Lerchs.

Defence counsel James Pennington, who’s expected to make his full submission­s Wednesday afternoon, said the facts of the case are not in dispute and “speak for themselves.”

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