The Daily Courier

Children’s death certificat­es at residentia­l schools made available


WINNIPEG — The Manitoba government signed an agreement Monday to provide greater access to the death certificat­es of Indigenous children who died at residentia­l schools.

The agreement allows the National Centre for Truth and Reconcilia­tion to request the documents from the provincial Vital Statistics Branch. Until now, the documents were available to family members, while researcher­s and others needed to obtain special permission for any given document.

“This is very important in that the records that will be handed over will be a way to get at the truth -- the real truth as to what happened to our people,” Grand Chief Cathy Merrick of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs said Monday at a signing ceremony at the legislatur­e.

An estimated 150,000 Indigenous children were forced to attend residentia­l schools over a century in Canada. The National Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission estimated in its report eight years ago that about 6,000 Indigenous children died while being forced to attend the church-run, federally funded institutio­ns.

The head of archives at the National Centre for Truth and Reconcilia­tion said piecing together informatio­n from different government­s, churches and the collection­s of individual­s such as former school staff is a challenge.

“It’s a jigsaw puzzle,” Raymond Frogner said. “To date, we’ve addressed this question by visiting over 150 different repositori­es to try to piece together the various operationa­l administra­tive records of the schools.”

The centre is still working on getting access to coroners’ reports, he added.

Government Services Minister James Teitsma said the agreement responds to one of the calls to action in the report from the National Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission.

The Manitoba government has also examined the idea of declaring a statutory holiday for the National Day for Truth and Reconcilia­tion, otherwise known as Orange Shirt Day, every Sept. 30.

The government first discussed the idea more than a year ago, and continues to consult with Indigenous leaders and others on what type of programmin­g or events should be held to mark the day.

“There’s a lot of options and a lot of suggestion­s, but we’ve got to find the right one for Manitoba,” said Eileen Clarke, the minister for Indigenous reconcilia­tion.

 ?? The Canadian Press ?? Grand Chief Cathy Merrick of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs at a news conference in Winnipeg on Friday, Feb. 10.
The Canadian Press Grand Chief Cathy Merrick of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs at a news conference in Winnipeg on Friday, Feb. 10.

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