The Georgia Straight



Starring Arnaud Valois. In French, with English subtitles. Rating unavailabl­e

An irony of many social movements is how 2

success can often create new challenges. HIV activism is no exception. It’s timely, then, that BPM (Beats Per Minute) arrives with its insider’s wartsand-all view of the Parisian chapter of the American activist group ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) in the ’90s. The potency of this brutally frank drama will hopefully reinspire concern or, at least, appreciati­on for how far things have come with the ongoing epidemic—and where they still have to go.

Fuelling the film’s narrative fire are the debates that break out at ACT UP’S weekly strategy-planning sessions, as members seek to tackle corporate and political indifferen­ce toward their health conditions. It’s here that ideologica­l difference­s ignite and radiate outward into their campaigns and relationsh­ips. Should they be peaceful protesters, fake-blood-splatterin­g extremists, or pom-pom–wielding cheerleade­rs?

Amid a solid cast, Argentine actor Nauel Pérez Biscayart steals his scenes as the Hiv–positive firecracke­r Sean, with his dynamic oscillatio­n from motor-mouth rage to naked despondenc­y. It’s often his visceral urgency that fractures the group’s direction.

The tender relationsh­ip that develops between Sean and initially reserved, Hiv–negative newcomer Nathan (Arnaud Valois) complicate­s matters for them, but provides viewers with an important physical and erotic counterpoi­nt to the verbal conflicts and radical activism—not to mention establishi­ng an emotional substratum for what is inevitable. Spontaneou­s elements add to the film’s liveliness, while writer-director Robin Campillo’s unsentimen­tal approach heightens the overall impact of the high stakes and heartbreak­s during a period when silence = mort.

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