The Guardian (Charlottetown)

‘Take 5’ with mayoral candidates


Today, The Guardian launches “Take 5”, a conversati­on with the three candidates who want to be mayor of Charlottet­own following the Nov. 3 municipal election.

Featured exclusivel­y at The Guardian’s website at www. theguardia­n. pe. ca, “Take 5” posed five questions to candidates Philip Brown, Keith Kennedy and Clifford Lee.

Topics ranged from their top priorities, should they be elected mayor, to their favourite spot in the capital city.

Kennedy launches “Take 5” today, telling viewers his favourite spot in the city is the Charlottet­own waterfront.

“I work in tourism,” said Kennedy.

“One of the big concerns

we have down there is the breakwater. Our town is vulnerable to a storm and has been. A breakwater is needed for the security of our harbour.”

On Thursday, “Take 5” will feature Philip Brown. Charlottet­own Mayor Clifford Lee will be featured on Friday.

The Guardian will have more on the mayor’s race in Charlottet­own online and in the print and e-editions on Saturday.

Then Monday, The Guardian’s team of reporters and photograph­ers will fan out across the province to provide readers with extensive coverage of P.E.I. Votes 2014.

The Guardian’s website at www.theguardia­ will have live election night results, play-by-play from communitie­s across the province on our Cover It Live blog as well as stories, photos and video from our team of reporters and photograph­ers.

That coverage will be carried forward into the print and e-editions of The Guardian Tuesday morning.

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