The Guardian (Charlottetown)

De-humanizing developing child


Bravo to Catherine Mullally for her fair and balanced views recently published in your newspaper, for I do not wish to take part in the often rancid debate over abortion. Nonetheles­s, I must make a statement, one that I hope will not engender ill will in anyone's heart.

While often valid concerns have arisen about the health of the mother (but not of the father's state of mind), I have failed to hear many speak of the rights of the child in the womb.

Surely the fate of the living human in the womb deserves our compassion also, does it not? And I use the word human advisedly, for that living being is not a bodily part, but a person at the first stage of life.

Moreover, childless couples who would welcome a child do exist - otherwise they wouldn't search for one in other lands.

Or, has our entire society merely de-humanized the developing infant as a mere fetus? How sad. How inhuman. How pitiful! May God forgive those of us who lived.

And, is euthanasia the next real possibilit­y? Colmán O'Hare, OP, PhD, Charlottet­own

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