The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Cheers & Jeers


Cheers to the musical contributi­on of Peter Chaisson. The well-known fiddler from Bear River, P.E.I., died suddenly at the 39th annual Rollo Bay Fiddle Festival on Sunday afternoon, July 19. Hundreds of people came to pay their respects at his wake on Wednesday afternoon and evening at the ceilidh barn on the festival field. Hundreds more attended his funeral Thursday morning in Rollo Bay and heartfelt tributes poured in from fellow musicians, fans, friends and family. A quiet man who didn’t seek the spotlight, his contributi­on to the promotion and continuati­on of traditiona­l music in this province is beyond measure. He will be missed by so many people for so many reasons.

Jeers: Ever stand at your favourite fast food restaurant staring at the menu board only to have to wait until a commercial plays until you can actually see the menu? You’re not alone. A growing number of fast food restaurant­s from Tim Hortons to McDonald’s are using their menu boards as scrolling ads. We’re already inside your restaurant. Stop the marketing. Just let us read your menu so we can order.

Jeers: To the far too many cyclists that see fit to peddle on sidewalks throughout downtown Charlottet­own as opposed to riding on the streets of the city where they belong. Some weave around pedestrian­s, sometimes at breakneck speed, as if they are competing in an obstacle course race. These cyclists are both a menace and an accident waiting to happen. So to all you sidewalk cyclists, please curb your enthusiasm for sharing pavement with pedestrian­s and steer your bikes on to the road.

Cheers to the many, many Islanders who donate their time during the busy summer months to put on a seemingles­s endless variety of fundraiser­s – everything from strawberry socials, bake sales and golf tournament­s to ceilidhs, barbecues and dances. These events, which are attended by Islanders and summer visitors from one of the province to another, are a part of the fabric of summer. Who doesn’t enjoy good food and good music? But, more importantl­y, these fundraiser­s bring valuable dollars to worthy causes. Without this money, charities couldn’t thrive and without our selfless volunteers, these events could never happen.

Jeers to people who use motorized vehicles on the Confederat­ion Trail during the summer. The cyclists, walkers and runners who use the trail all too often have to share it with ATVs, dirt bikes and other vehicles that have no business being there. Those vehicles can damage the trail and detract from its peaceful nature. Respect the trail and the people who use it.

Cheers to the Nature Conservanc­y of Canada and all the volunteers who took their own kayaks and paddled out to the five islands in Murray Harbour on the weekend to take part in a cleanup. The goal was to remove marine debris and garbage from the shores, which pose a threat to wildlife species from ingestion and entangleme­nt. It’s one thing to take part in a roadway or beach cleanup, but to commit to paddling for two or 10 km besides? That’s dedication.

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