The Guardian (Charlottetown)


Why you need vitamin C and lysine for heart health and more…


W. Gifford-Jones, MD | Vitamin C is the single most important water soluble antioxidan­t in the human body. Aside from supporting immune health, Vitamin C is needed to manufactur­e collagen, the major component of the body’s connective tissue, including cartilage, tendons, ligaments, bones and blood vessels. As we age, the body’s production of collagen slows down, which can result in aging skin, osteoarthr­itis, osteoporos­is and many other conditions including declining cardiovasc­ular health.

High doses of vitamin C and lysine support healthy arteries and overall cardiovasc­ular health. Vitamin C is required to manufactur­e healthy collagen, the glue that holds coronary cells together, just like mortar is needed for bricks. Lysine, like steel rods in cement, makes collagen stronger. Together they provide healthier arteries and reduce risk of heart attack and atheroscle­rosis.

Without sufficient vitamin C to produce collagen, and in turn, healthy cartilage, bone eventually grinds on bone. There would be fewer joint replacemen­ts if more vitamin C were available to produce healthy collagen. Rheumatoid arthritis also requires large doses of vitamin C which helps reduce inflammato­ry reactions in joints.

This also goes for teeth — teeth fall out when gums lacking collagen lose their grip. Patients are surprised when I tell them that vitamin C will help them keep their teeth.

The essential amino acid lysine is best known for its use with herpes simplex infections but also has favourable effects on blood pressure and stroke prevention as well as a positive influence on mood and anxiety.

This is why I’ve been taking high doses of vitamin C and lysine for 17 years following my heart attack – I am turning 92 soon and I’m glad I did! I believe it saved my life. Look for at your local Health Food Retailer or Specialty Pharmacy.

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