The Guardian (Charlottetown)

The Only Saviour of Sinners

- BY PASTOR JIM MURCHISON (RETIRED) Pastor Jim Murchison (Retired) is with the Free Church, Charlottet­own. A guest sermon runs regularly in Saturday’s Guardian and is provided through Christian Communicat­ions.

Matthew 14:3a - ‘Immediatel­y Jesus reached out his hand and caught him’.

Did you ever have a sinking feeling in your heart, as if all things were loss? There was a real fear and emptiness in your heart. This is how the Apostle Peter responded this day almost 2000 years ago out in the Sea of Galilee.

I am sure most of you know the biblical account of Peter walking on the water to meet Jesus. Jesus was also walking on the water across the stormy sea. And Peter saw from their storm tossed boat Jesus walking to them on the water. Peter called out to Jesus, “Tell me to come to on the water.” Jesus said to Peter, “Come.” Peter got out of the boat and was walking toward Jesus. But Peter took his eyes of Jesus and saw the frightenin­g waves and Peter began to sink. He was going to be washed away by the waves. In trembling fear Peter cried out to Jesus, “Lord, save me.”

These are three words, “Lord, save me.” Just three word that those who have an empty sinking fearful feeling need to cry out, because the Lord is the only one who has power to save. He does save and he saves immediatel­y! He saves those who cry out to him for mercy. He saved Peter from the angry waves as Matthew recorded, “Immediatel­y Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.”

We must hear God’s Word and respond to them in the right way. Not just to hear the word but also do what it says. This account of Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee through a raging storm tossed sea teaches that Jesus has power over the Sea. Yes! Jesus is a man but he is also God. He is God in the flesh. As the Bible teaches, Colossians 2:9 “For in Christ all the fullness of Deity lives in bodily form,” In other words Jesus is fully God and fully man in one person. He is the second person of the Trinity, and Jesus is Lord, he is Lord even of the waves. So you can call out to him to save you, to save you from destructio­n.

You are likely not our on a stormy sea today, but you can experience a storm even when there is no wind. Your soul may be troubled by many trials and troubles. You could be troubles by your own sins and failures. For we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. And there is only one who can save! How do I know? I look to Jesus in my sin and see that he not only calmed the sea he also died on the cross. He died as the Son of God to save sinners. They will call his name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins. You must call on him in faith believing he will save you. Then you can have peace with God. Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. So you can have peace even when the storm is raging. Peace in the midst of the storms of life. Yes, there are many storms, many sorrows, many troubles, many battles, many sins, but Jesus delivers all those who put their faith in him..

So never take your eyes of him and if you are sinking deep in sin far from a peaceful shore call out to Jesus, “Lord, save me.” But your sin trembling hand in the hand of him who calms the water.

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