The Guardian (Charlottetown)

‘Becoming pill worshipper­s’

‘Nation of wimps’ demanding prescripti­ons to alleviate every little ache and pain

- BY REV. GEORGE PALAMATTAM Rev. Dr. George Palamattam is Pastor, Holy Redeemer Parish in Charlottet­own

Yes, I have opinion on Dr. Gifford Jones’ on his timely writings on the free-bee drugs and many such things at the taxpayers’ expense. (The Guardian, May 1, 2017)

I subscribe to every single point he raised in the writeup “Turning into a nation of wimps.’ I repeat every question he threw into the air, which, of course, I know no one will dare to answer because a direct and truthful answer may not be politicall­y correct.

Yes, definitely we will reach a break-down point to this system of the public taking upon itself the burden of every private and personal error, erroneous behavior and misbehavio­r and irresponsi­ble life styles of individual­s.

It is absolutely absurd that doctors prescribe opioids and other chemical tranquiliz­ers for any little pain as part of public healthcare. By doing so they are literally killing human capacity for endurance and taking care of oneself. ‘42,000 addicts and pleasure-seekers at the expense of others in one province alone’ should be a very conservati­ve estimate.

I come from a fast developing and ‘modernizin­g’ country. The fastest growing industry in that country now seems to be hospitals and pharmaceut­icals.

Every other day a mega super-specialty hospital is coming up in the nook and corner with clusters of drug stores in addition to the elaborate drug dispensing facility the hospital itself establishe­s in its premises.

This seems to be an off-shoot of industrial­ization, modern lifestyle, higher ‘standards’ of living, which include food habits, lifestyle changes, keeping away from nature and earth, lack of physical and social activities, growth of individual­ism and self-alienation from others, distancing away from family bonds, etc., and in the words of Dr. Jones, “becoming pill worshipper­s demanding prescripti­on for every little ache and pain.”

Definitely these “pillists” along with other fast track claimants will work in collusion to euthanize the public health system in the Americas in the shortest possible time

Among the modern maladies Dr. Jones listed diabetics, digestive and kidney disorders and heartburns. I am sure as a medical doctor he has many more of such maladies as offshoots of modern living that are billed to the public healthcare system.

In a secular and anti-religious atmosphere of extolling pleasure as the ultimate human destiny, pain and suffering become unacceptab­le and something to be avoided or done away at any cost, even by demanding euthanasia as the ultimate escape.

Along with the remedial question Dr. Jones projects I would even advocate some social or public prescripti­ons to the child-rearing parents to keep themselves away from drugs, opioids, tobacco and heavy doses of liquor in order to keep the child in the womb and the suckling children healthy.

Many children these days are physically and psychicall­y unhealthy because of the above addictions of the parents, I believe. They must constitute our future generation­s. Maybe Dr. Jones and other medical practition­ers can throw more light on this.

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