The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Crisis echoes across country

Charlottet­own Mayor Clifford Lee says affordable housing discussed at FCM meetings in Ottawa


Mayors across Canada say there is an affordable housing crisis in the country, says Charlottet­own Mayor Clifford Lee.

Lee is recently back from a trip to Ottawa where he attended the annual conference and trade show of the Federation of Canadian Municipali­ties (FCM). And affordable housing was on everyone’s mind.

Actually, Lee had just given a speech on this topic just days before to the Rotary Club of Hillsborou­gh. And, he heard it again in Ottawa.

“I attended a fantastic workshop on affordable housing (and) got a lot of informatio­n from what is happening in Edmonton, Thunder Bay and Toronto,’’ Lee said, referring to the Alberta and Ontario cities respective­ly.

“I’m going to ask our staff to do some research

“I was very pleased a few weeks ago to hear the province announce federal government money coming in for social housing. It’s a question of how we move forward. It seems as time moves forward more and more organizati­ons and levels of government are becoming engaged, which I think is great.’’ Mayor Clifford Lee

and find out exactly what the reports from those three communitie­s is all about.’’

He isn’t sure how Charlottet­own moves forward on the issue, just that it has to.

Lee has been pressing for a national housing strategy for years now. The FCM has also been pushing Ottawa for details on its promised strategy. The Trudeau government announced plans to spend $11.2 billion on this strategy but few details have been released.

He knows the P.E.I. government will have to be involved and should probably take the lead.

“I was very pleased a few weeks ago to hear the province announce federal government money coming in for social housing. It’s a question of how we move forward. It seems as time moves forward more and more organizati­ons and levels of government are becoming engaged, which I think is great.’’

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