The Guardian (Charlottetown)


Another Lead


Opening Lead: ?

West selected the six of spades as partner's nine-spot dislodged the king. Declarer drove out the ace of hearts but East swiftly cashed two spades holding declarer to ten tricks, N-S +430.

The spade lead had been an effective choice since South will romp home with eleven tricks versus any other beginning.

West could rule out a heart, a club or a diamond as an opening shot. The auction disclosed that North held a four-card spade suit but this selection was likely to find partner with length and possibly strength. It could also be effective by not presenting declarer with a gift. South's resolve to rebid 2NT (18-19 HCP) was somewhat surprising. A jump shift to two hearts would accurately describe his length in the rounded suits and reveal 19+ HCP. North would then become declarer in the ninetrick game when he judges to rebid NT. In this scenario, we can surmise that East is very unlikely to start with a spade, a lead that will cede a trick when declarer owns the king. North will have an easy time recording eleven tricks, losing only the major suit aces.

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