The Guardian (Charlottetown)



South won the ace and rode the nine of spades to the king. East returned the ten of clubs as partner scored the queen to continue with the nine of clubs that was ruffed low in dummy but overruffed. East switched to a diamond, driving out the ace. The queen of hearts was successful­ly passed, the ace was unblocked and a spade to the ace drew trump. A heart ruff brought down the king and an overtrick was home, N-S +170.

If West had returned the deuce of clubs, South would have discarded a diamond from the table as East ruffs. Declarer will again score ten tricks. The Flannery opening promised five hearts and four spades with 11-15 HCP. South's jump to three spades was invitation­al but North declined to bid game because he held a bare-bones minimum. The major suit game was not a viable propositio­n but South was able to corral ten tricks with a very favorable lie of the heart suit and by guessing the trump suit. Without Flannery amongst their agreements, South would respond one spade to the one heart opening where North would raise. Would South elect to make a try for game over the spade raise? Author: 'DYH :LOOLV YLVLW KLV ZHEVLWH DW www.insidebrid­ 4XHVWLRQV RQ EULGJH FDQ EH VHQW ZLWK D VWDPSHG VHOI DGGUHVVHG HQYHORSH WR 7KH 1HZ &DQDGLDQ %ULGJH F R 7RUVWDU 6\QGLFDWLRQ 6HUYLFHV 2QH <RQJH 6W 7RURQWR 0 ( ( Copyright 2017 Torstar Syndicatio­n Services

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