The Guardian (Charlottetown)



The lead was ruffed in dummy and followed by a heart to the king. An advance of the queen of clubs was covered and ruffed as declarer played another heart. East hopped with the ace to return a third heart for the jack as South disposed of a diamond. The play of the king of spades revealed the 4-0 break and the game finished down two, N-S 100.

The foul trump division had doomed the contract.

North's decision to offer a triple raise was based upon the fact that partner could not hold more than 15 HCP. A one club opening would have been artificial promising 16+ HCP. This action was effective in silencing the opposition when the deal might have belonged to E-W.

Double dummy, East could win eleven tricks at clubs by playing South for the queenjack of clubs. He picks up the trump suit with two finesses to lose but two heart tricks. East did not consider any action at adverse vulnerabil­ity. The club suit was emaciated and there was always the danger that West would take take a five club overcall seriously and boost to slam. On this occasion, West would happily pass but E-W would incur a minus score.

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