The Guardian (Charlottetown)

West Royalty student’s project selected for youth forum in Ottawa


West Royalty Elementary student Max MacIsaac is one of two students from P.E.I., and 26 nationwide, who will attend the Young Citizens Youth Forum in Ottawa this October. Max’s project on Charlottet­own’s influentia­l Warburton )DPLO\ ZDV RQH RI ÀQDOLVWV at the provincial Heritage Fair and the winner of the City of Charlottet­own prize which is awarded to the student who exhibits an outstandin­g project on any aspect of Charlottet­own’s heritage. $IWHU WKH SURYLQFLDO IDLU ÀQDOists were provided with cameras to make videos of their projects and upload them to YoungCitiz­, where the public was encouraged to vote for their favourite. Max’s friends, family, community and fellow students at West Royalty Elementary were happy to oblige, and the effort paid off. As part of the Heritage Fair program, students were encouraged to create projects in either RIÀFLDO ODQJXDJH RQ DQ\ WRSLF that interested them. As a result, their entries include everything from prominent families, citizens and businesses to ghost ships, outlaws and the Hillsborou­gh Bridge. The Warburton family’s inÁXHQFH RQ &KDUORWWHWR­ZQ·V KLVtory can still be felt today. For example, Dr. James Warburton was a physician, MLA and mayor of Charlottet­own under whose leadership the city’s sewer system was completed. His brother, historian, MLA, judge and premier, Alexander Bannerman Warburton, was instrument­al in planting many of the 100-year-old-plus trees in the city, and creating a history text that many historians rely on to this day. Their father, James Warburton Sr., was involved in obtaining responsibl­e government for P.E.I. To view the videos of all 12 ÀQDOLVWV YLVLW \RXQJFLWL]HQV FD The direct link to Max’s video is: http://kids.canadashis­tory. ca/Kids/YoungCitiz­ens/ProÀOHV 0D[0

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