The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Alcohol and Drug Addiction Awareness Week underway


Al-Anon District 10 public outreach is underway as part of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Awareness Week, Nov. 12-18.

For example, a poster has been installed on public transit buses in Charlottet­own. The 11x36 inch poster depicts a crying house design bookmark (if your home is unhappy because someone drinks too much – we can help you).

Two hundred “Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2018”, magazines are the annual public outreach message for our Al-Anon Family Groups. Al-Anon members distribute these widely throughout their local communitie­s, where people in need of the Al-Anon Program can find them and learn how Al-Anon could help them. Therapists, addiction counsellor­s and other profession­als share this with their patients and clients, to encourage them to go to an Al-Anon meeting. In addition, during this week, Al-Anon members will be putting on a Meeting on Wheels at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Unit 9.

Alcoholism is a widely recognized, as a chronic, progressiv­e primary disease, which can be arrested by abstinence from alcohol but cannot be cured. Alcoholism is also a family disease that affects everyone who has contact with the problem drinker.

Their drinking causes problems in their lives and the lives they touch.

In Al-Anon, participan­ts learn that they did not cause and cannot control and cannot cure alcoholism. They find their own recovery from the effects of alcoholism through the Al-Anon Twelve Step Program, which often has a positive impact on themselves and their families.

To find out more about AlAnon, call 902-894-3503 or visit­times.

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