The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Parents can’t be faulted for poverty, judge rules in toddler-custody case


An impoverish­ed Halifaxare­a couple have regained custody of their toddler daughter, after a judge declared: “There is a difference between parents who are poor, and poor parents.”

The province took the little girl into care in June 2016 because of her parents’ multiple challenges, including mentalheal­th issues, interperso­nal conflict and unstable living circumstan­ces brought on by poverty.

But Justice Elizabeth Jollimore said the biracial toddler was not put in a “culturally appropriat­e” foster home, and noted the couple have worked to improve their circumstan­ces and relationsh­ip prospects.

“The parents cannot be faulted for their inability to afford homes in better neighbourh­oods,” the Nova Scotia Supreme Court judge said in a written ruling released Wednesday.

The ruling paints a picture of a young couple trying hard to overcome many obstacles.

They got together in the summer of 2015; she was 18 and learned she was pregnant by another man a few weeks into their relationsh­ip. She had struggled with mental-health issues, including self-harm.

Her 22-year-old boyfriend, shaken by his discovery of a friend’s suicide, suffers from PTSD and anxiety. He was proud to have never been fired from a job, but became unemployed when his employer lost a contract in late 2015.

The boyfriend had called police several times because of conflicts and a suicide attempt by his girlfriend. At one point, she was taken into police custody after a physical confrontat­ion between the couple.

The province took the little girl into care in June 2016. The couple had a son that December, who was also taken into care a few months later, and is now living with his paternal grandparen­ts.

Their daughter is healthy and developing normally.

“She’s described as ‘very happy,’ having an ‘even temperamen­t’ and being ‘social,”’ the judge said.

The province’s community services minister argued in court there is a “real chance” of harm if the girl is returned to her parents. But the judge noted the woman has had no mentalheal­th crises for 17 months, and previously sought help when needed. She said the woman works as a babysitter, and has extensive experience caring for five younger siblings, and is “a confident, competent and capable care-giver.”

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