The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Pence now humanity’s only saving grace

He’s an evangelica­l planning for End Times; he well may be only hope for salvation

- Heather Mallick is a national affairs writer for Torstar Syndicatio­n Services.

Writing about President Donald Trump’s latest eruption is like skating out onto a frozen lake and wondering when the ice will break. It’s thick as a brick, it’s bone china, still fat and flat, steady now, looking a bit bluish, is that a cracking noise, wobble, ice the texture of cold toast, snap, crackle, wet ankles, throw me a rope.

This was Trump’s tweet on Jan. 2: “North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the ‘Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.’ Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”

And the point was reached. The only way Trump could surpass this is if he actually called a nuclear strike. If Trump’s minions were to obey his orders to start a nuclear war, there is nothing anyone in the target zone could do. Is this breaking point? No. Breaking point already happened for me. I no longer blame Trump for the mess he created. I blame the people who serve him, the nation that created the kind of voters who destroyed democracy’s good name by choosing him, the hunger for money that handed world-destroying power to a billionair­e piece of trash.

I find I can no longer joke about Trump although of course I will still try. Sure, he’s an infantile, ignorant, foulmouthe­d, incoherent brute. Yes, he’s bad at business, at fathering, at conversati­on, setting his own hair, wearing pants and eating. He lavishes American taxpayer money on himself like frosting from a spatula, he profits from the presidency while he’s still in it.

At some point, Trump will cease bathing. He will stay in bed all day in a locked room yelling at the TV and tweeting. The White House is a bunker now. The rest of us should be grateful to Twitter for providing an alert system for this man’s gradual collapse.

In Canada, we judge prime ministers by how well they’d cope with Trump. Justin Trudeau can manage him, but there is nothing that will soothe the hyperactiv­e Republican­s who negotiate trade deals. The Conservati­ves’ Andrew Scheer, a sort of low-grade Mike Huckabee, is not bright enough. NDP leader Jagmeet Singh is too candid to be let anywhere near Trump.

Is Trump mentally ill or just senile? Although members of Congress have actually been briefed by psychiatri­sts on this question, it no longer matters. What matters are the people who surround him. My ears suddenly perk up like a pet hearing the rattle of kibble in the dish. This is something worth chewing on.

Trump’s staff — those who have survived — are more deplorable than he is, if only because they know better. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is officially unable to confirm that Trump is sane. She lies happily but when asked about Trump’s “mental fitness,” she refused to lie, instead saying Kim Jong Un’s sanity was the only concern. Imagine that.

But again, it doesn’t matter whether his staff is fish, fowl or just plain unemployab­le. What matters is whether the majority of his toadying cabinet, including Michael Pence, would even confront him under Section 4 of the 25th amendment as being “unable.” Trump would deny it, and if Pence & Co. didn’t insist, that would give Pence only four days in power.

If they did insist, a Republican Congress would have to muster a two-thirds vote to dump President Trump. I doubt they will.

And so I must write the dreadful thing: Vice-President Michael Pence is mankind’s only hope for salvation, assuming that he opposes nuclear destructio­n. He’s an evangelica­l planning for End Times; he well may not.

Pence needs to campaign for the job, if only to lure Trump into firing him and forcing Congress to deal with the matter. Trump would presumably appear before Congress to defend himself. Low comedy would ensue, a pitiful Lear-like howl, but Trump would be out.

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