The Guardian (Charlottetown)

This weekend’s full moon could make you blue... CINDY DAY


Remember all the talk about the Blue Moon in January? A “Blue Moon” is the name given to the second full moon in a month. Pretty exciting! After all, how often to you get to experience 2 full moons in a calendar month? Let me answer my own question: on average there is one Blue Moon every 2 ½ years. We celebrated a Blue Moon in 2012, 2015, and earlier this year.

There was no full moon in February, but we have another Blue Moon coming up this weekend. Now if you thought the last occurrence was special, how about this: Sunday’s full moon is a Double Blue Moon: two Blue Moons in the same year! It truly is rare; a situation that only takes place about 4 times a century. It last occurred in 1999 and after this weekend, it won’t happen again until 2037!

It sounds like a good theme for a party!

While we’re on the topic of the moon, I have a little Easter “did you know” for you: The date on which Easter falls changes from year to year, but it’s not random. Easter is always the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring Equinox. The equinox was on the 20th of March… the full moon is Saturday and Sunday is Easter!

And finally, if you get a glimpse of the Double Blue Moon, remember that from Earth, we always see the same side of the moon; the other side is always hidden. If you can, snap a photo or two and send them along to WeatherMai­l@WeatherbyD­

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