The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Time to update legislatur­e hours


It is time for the Legislativ­e Assembly to modernize its sitting hours as a means to increase accessibil­ity to and diversity within the house. The hours of the legislatur­e were originally created to accommodat­e rural MLAs’ travel by train. Since then the train has become obsolete on P.E.I. and MLAs have transporta­tion allowances.

It was surprising to discover that the sitting hours of the legislatur­e have only been changed slightly since passenger train service ended in 1964. Because of this I applaud Minister Paula Biggar for submitting Motion 32, which moves to shift the sitting hours of the legislatur­e to day time hours only.

This is a motion that seems like a win-win for everyone. The motion is clear that no hours will be lost in this shift, and that the change in sitting hours will remove a key barrier to women’s participat­ion in provincial politics.

The motion also mentions that if legislativ­e sessions were held during the day, complete sessions could be broadcast across P.E.I. rather than only half of the sessions due to competing broadcast need in the evening.

With all of this considered, I feel we can all agree it is time for the Legislativ­e Assembly to modernize its operating hours.

Not only will it open doors it will provide opportunit­y for engagement from a diversity of people, which is what democracy is about. Becka Viau, Charlottet­own

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