The Guardian (Charlottetown)

From Zionist dream to Jewish nightmare

- BY RICHARD DEATON Avrim ben Ezra, aka Richard Deaton, Ph.D., LL.B., Stanley Bridge.

We in the Jewish community recently celebrated Passover, the secular holiday commemorat­ing our escape from slavery in ancient Egypt; its central theme is freedom for all people. Given recent events it is necessary for us to take stock of what is now occurring in Israel and at what cost to Jewish values.

The Passover Day Massacre which was carried out by the Israeli army (IDF) on March 30 against unarmed civilians in Gaza who were demonstrat­ing for their right of return to Israel was premeditat­ed murder. Palestinia­ns in the Gaza exercised their freedom of associatio­n, and no demonstrat­or came close to breaching the Israeli border. Yet, 17 people were shot, two in the back, and another 1, 000 were wounded. This past Friday, nine more demonstrat­ors were killed by Israeli snipers.

When the former white South African government perpetrate­d the Sharpevill­e Massacre in 1960, the world was outraged. Israel has now had its Passover Day Massacre. This marks an historical turning point. But the internatio­nal community does nothing. We in the Jewish community have forgotten our history and have forgotten how to empathize with the oppressed, despite our Passover seder platitudes. Israel has gone from being the oppressed to being an oppressor.

Today Israel is engaging in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinia­ns who live in the West Bank and Jerusalem. Any internal political or cultural criticism of its racist and expansioni­st policies against the Palestinia­ns is being crushed. And many of its policies against the Palestinia­ns are similar to those of the former white South African government. Israel is increasing­ly becoming a theocratic police state.

Good Jews must speak out. Zionism is not Judaism. For too long Jews who have been critical of Israel’s repressive policies have allowed themselves to be cowed by the Jewish establishm­ent by being called “antiSemite­s,” “self-hating Jews” or “traitors.” Mordecai Richler, Canada’s leading Jewish author, was an outspoken critic of Israeli policies in the Occupied Territorie­s in his book, This Year in Jerusalem. And what has gone wrong with the Zionist experiment are Israel’s repressive and racist policies towards the Palestinia­ns that undermine Jewish values.

The Israeli documentar­y, The Gatekeeper­s, interviews the six surviving heads of the Shin Bet, Israel’s secret service, all of whom bluntly state that the occupation has been a disaster for Israel. They relate how Israel over the years has systematic­ally undermined and sabotaged any peace negotiatio­ns. Israeli PM Netanyahu has adamantly rejected a two-state solution while the World Jewish Congress (WJC), representi­ng over 100 countries, is a strong advocate of such a policy. In order for Israel to expand territoria­lly it must remove the Palestinia­ns from the West Bank and Jerusalem.

The situation has badly deteriorat­ed since U.S. President Trump reversed long-standing American policy and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

In March 2018 Israel passed legislatio­n allowing them to unilateral­ly revoke the residency of any Palestinia­n living in Jerusalem, contrary to internatio­nal law.

Israel is now trying to forcibly transfer Palestinia­ns from three areas in the West Bank (Area C) to build housing for Israeli settlers. The white South African government passed the 1950 Group Areas Act specifying where blacks could live; Israeli policies will have the same result for Palestinia­ns.

Israeli policy towards the Palestinia­ns is driven by an increasing racism. For example, the Jewish village of Kfar Vradim recently passed a bylaw withdrawin­g plots of land for sale because they were being purchased by Arabs and Palestinia­ns. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down racially-based restrictiv­e covenants in 1948. And Israel’s PM said that, “(black) migrants are a bigger threat than terrorism” while Israeli settlers beat up Palestinia­n farmers with impunity.

Israel’s policies in the Occupied Territorie­s violate the spirit of Passover and formal internatio­nal law. For many Jews, Israel is rapidly becoming the God that failed.

The draconian measures against the Palestinia­ns is negatively affecting the attitude of many American and Canadian Jews towards Israel, especially young Jews. Israel will soon have to make a decision as to whether it wants to be Jewish or democratic.

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