The Guardian (Charlottetown)

New housing strategy reeks of patronage

Liberals and media in room neglected to inform Islanders of new hire directing housing hub

- BY MIKE REDMOND Mike Redmond, Summervill­e, is a farmer and P.E.I. social activist

While I listened to Finance Minister Heath MacDonald on CBC discuss the province’s new housing strategy, and how Premier Wade MacLauchla­n wants the process not to be bogged down with any bureaucrac­y, I was excited. What a great idea, let’s get to work and address the issues of affordable, accessible housing for all. Let’s cut through the red tape and help out those most vulnerable.

However, the Liberals, and of course the media in the room, neglected to inform Islanders of one very specific point, and that was the province had a new hire to announce. City of Charlottet­own Mayor Clifford Lee will be directing the housing hub. Mr. Lee, who works for the city (conflict of interest anyone), and at the same time was the emergency action co-ordinator at Holland College, seconded from the province by former Premier Robert Ghiz, who’s boss was none other than former Finance Minister Wes Sheridan.

This is the same mayor who never spent a dollar on affordable or accessible housing while in his position, but could spend $35 million on ditch-infilling, and over $15 million on beautifica­tion and social hiring. This is the man who is going to lead the way on housing on the Island. At this point, you are saying, what the fudge?

Yes, the retiring mayor whose education and knowledge on accessible, affordable housing is a lengthy resume that stimulates the senses and amounts to the fact that he may actually live in a house. The reality is the province did not advertise an open competitio­n, nor did they state the acceptable level of education for said position.

Our premier uses patronage; non-tendered contracts to attract candidates; adds workers in his own office; and has now once again shown questionab­le integrity when addressing the most serious of social issues on Prince Edward Island.

The people of the province will continue to pay for Mr. Lee, and well. I would not be surprised that Mr. Lee is orchestrat­ing the campaign for a Liberal candidate in District #9, perhaps a former office administra­tor from the City of Charlottet­own. This is the essence of P.E.I. democracy after all.

Welcome to Prince Edward Island, where it is not what you know, but who you know. A continued shameful legacy of political patronage, bought and paid for by the taxpayer on P.E.I., and delivered by Premier Wade MacLauchla­n.

 ?? FILE PHOTO ?? Charlottet­own Mayor Clifford Lee has been hired to direct the housing hub, a key component of the province’s new housing strategy.
FILE PHOTO Charlottet­own Mayor Clifford Lee has been hired to direct the housing hub, a key component of the province’s new housing strategy.

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