The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Liberals exploit ‘tyranny of its majority’

- Jim Vibert

Nova Scotia’s Liberal government used the “tyranny of its majority” Wednesday to neuter the one committee of the legislatur­e that actually shed an occasional light into the dark corners of the government.

That’s how Opposition House Leader Chris d’Entremont (PCArgyle-Barrington) characteri­zed the government’s action, which he called “an unpreceden­ted shameful, sneaky maneuver to shield government” from scrutiny.

The Liberal majority on the legislatur­e’s Public Accounts Committee pushed through a motion that, in effect, renders the committee impotent. The motion limits the committee to examinatio­n of matters already covered in the auditor general’s reports.

The irony that the Liberals chose Right-to-Know Week to remove the teeth from a vital and long-standing check on government secrecy in Nova Scotia, would be lost on this government.

The government consistent­ly exercises its authority to ensure that it alone decides what Nova Scotians are permitted to know about how it operates.

Premier Stephen McNeil shrugged off criticism from the Freedom of Informatio­n Commission­er who found the government had breached the province’s Freedom of Informatio­n law, again.

But Nova Scotia’s Freedom of Informatio­n Act – a relic of 1994 – is also toothless, so there are no real consequenc­es for breaking the law.

The Liberal’s motion changes the way the committee works and may therefore be contrary to the rules of the legislatur­e. House Speaker Kevin Murphy was asked to rule on that and took it under advisement. Only the full legislatur­e can alter the mandate of committees.

It the Liberal motion stands, it will bludgeon the life out of the one functionin­g committee of the legislatur­e that ill-serves the government’s partisan ends. The Public Accounts Committee regularly exposed well-hidden government weaknesses, mistakes and misadventu­res.

The Liberals seem to limit their concept of parliament­ary democracy to “majority rules.” Any discussion of the topic that goes deeper than that is lost on them.

The fact is, majority does not “rule.” Laws rule, and in parliament­ary democracie­s, traditions have grown up to check the powers of the majority party.

Nova Scotia’s Liberal government – which seems to forget that six in 10 Nova Scotians voted to defeat it a year ago – tramples those traditions with all the grace of an unco-ordinated, over-grown adolescent.

Previously and traditiona­lly, opposition members on the Public Accounts Committee could propose matters for the committee’s agenda and have done so to positive effect in Nova Scotia for decades. The Liberal motion will put an end to that.

The partisan motive behind the Liberals’ move is obvious. By limiting what the committee can examine, the Liberals are, in effect, ensuring the committee doesn’t dredge up any politicall­y embarrassi­ng news, beyond what the Auditor General has already uncovered.

The auditor general’s reports are meticulous­ly detailed and complete. Once issued, there usually isn’t much more to say. The government takes its medicine and moves on.

Liberal MLAs on the Public Accounts Committee were quick to point out that in other Canadian jurisdicti­ons, public accounts committees focus exclusivel­y on matters raised in the reports of their auditors general.

In those other jurisdicti­ons there are also other meaningful checks on the government – like a Freedom of Informatio­n law that has some teeth.

Those Nova Scotians who remember the long government of John Buchanan (1978-90) may not recall how it ended. Premier Buchanan was called to the Senate by fellow Conservati­ve, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, not long after a former Nova Scotia deputy minister laid bare before the legislatur­e’s Public Accounts Committee a litany of what was then called patronage – government’s habit of favouring its friends.

Almost 40 years later, a Liberal government with a slim majority in the legislatur­e used that majority to manipulate and mangle one of the last checks on its power, and it did so purely to protect itself politicall­y.

The Liberal government in Nova Scotia seems determined to build insurmount­able obstacles to finding the truth. Nova Scotians have to ask themselves, why that is? Jim Vibert, a journalist and writer for longer than he cares to admit, consulted or worked for five Nova Scotia government­s. He now keeps a close and critical eye on provincial and regional powers.

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