The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Peace in the storm

God is never surprised; He knows about everything before it happens

- BY REV. JOHN EVANS SPECIAL TO THE GUARDIAN Rev. John Evans is with Community Baptist Church, Charlottet­own. A guest sermon runs regularly in Saturday’s Guardian and is provided through Christian Communicat­ions.

Last week marked 15 years since the devastatio­n of hurricane Juan.

Storms, both physical and proverbial, are a reality of life. In fact, there are three kinds of people: those who are coming out of a storm; those who are in a storm and those who are about to go into a storm.

If you grew up going to church, you learned about Jesus calming the storm. I love this story because it contains a number of things that cause me to marvel.

The first thing I’m amazed at isn’t so much that Jesus calmed the storm. The first thing that strikes me is that it is Jesus who put the disciples in the middle of the storm. If you look closely at the story, it was His idea to cross the Sea of Galilee.

Didn’t Jesus know there was going to be a storm? Of course, He did! Before you were born, Jesus knew all about the storm you’re facing. Jesus will never lead you into a storm in which He cannot keep you.

Another thing that amazes me is that in the middle of the storm, Jesus is sleeping. This was a bad storm. Four of the men who cried out, “Teacher! Don’t you care that we’re going to die?” (Mark 4:38) were seasoned fishermen who had spent the better part of their lives on the water. Why was Jesus asleep? I’m sure He was tired since it had been a long day. But perhaps the real reason He was asleep was that He wasn’t worried. After all, why would the One who created everything be afraid of what He created?

Sometimes things come into our life that make us wonder, “God, did you know about this?” You will never hear from heaven, “Wow! I didn’t expect that!” God is never surprised; He knows about everything before it happens. But sometimes we wonder if He notices. Maybe sometimes we wonder if He’s sleeping. Notice what the disciples said: “Teacher! Don’t you care that we’re going to die?” (Mark 4:38). Really that question is two statements. No. 1: you don’t care; and number two: we’re not going to make it.

Maybe you’re in a storm and the situation looks helpless. Do you know what? That’s a great place to be because every miracle of Jesus started with the same thing. There was always someone who was at the end of their rope. Someone who was desperate. Someone who didn’t know where to turn. That’s just the place where Jesus can show up.

Does Jesus care? Of course He cares. Read John 3:16. But sometimes we wonder, don’t we? The cross proves that He cares. Jesus was beaten and tortured; He endured the nails, the thorns and then He died – all because He cares.

You know how the story ends. Jesus “…rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Silence! Be still!” (Mark 4:39). And wonder of wonders, it became dead calm. Then Jesus turned around and said, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (Mark 4:40). I marvel at the things I’ve seen God do in my life and still I get afraid and wonder if it’s going to work out.

Think of all the disciples had seen. They saw Jesus cast out demons. They saw Him heal a paralyzed man. They saw Him cure a man with leprosy. And Jesus asked, “Do you still have no faith?”

So, the question is, what else does Jesus have to do for you to trust Him?

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