The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Fond farewell

Former president George H.W. Bush celebrated with high praise, loving humour


George H.W. Bush was celebrated with high praise and loving humour Wednesday as the nation bade farewell to the man who was America’s 41st president and the last to fight for the U.S. in wartime. Three former presidents looked on at Washington National Cathedral as a fourth — George W. Bush —eulogized his dad.

“To us,” the son said of the father, “his was the brightest of a thousand points of light.”

George W. Bush broke down briefly at the end of his eulogy while invoking the daughter his parents lost when she was 3 and his mother, Barbara, who died in April. He took comfort in knowing “Dad is hugging Robin and holding Mom’s hand again.”

For all the sombre tributes to the late president’s public service and strength of character, laughter filled the cathedral time after time.

The late president’s eulogists — son included — noted Bush’s tendency to tangle his words and show his goofy side.

He was “the last great-soldier statesman,” historian Jon Meacham said in his eulogy, “our shield” in dangerous times. But he also said that Bush, campaignin­g in a crowd in a department store, once shook hands with a mannequin. Rather than flushing in embarrassm­ent, he simply cracked, “Never know. Gotta ask.”

After the service, the hearse and a long procession of cars headed for Joint Base Andrews and the flight to Texas — but first down to the National Mall to pass by the World War II Memorial.

The congregati­on at the cathedral, filled with foreign leaders and diplomats, Americans of high office and others touched by Bush’s life, rose for the arrival of the casket, accompanie­d by clergy of faiths from around the world. In their row together, President Donald Trump and former Presidents Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton stood with their spouses and all placed their hands over their hearts.

Meacham also praised Bush’s call to volunteeri­sm — his “1,000 points of light” — placing it alongside Abraham Lincoln’s call to honour “the better angels of our nature” in the American rhetorical canon. Meacham called those lines “companion verses in America’s national hymn.”

Trump had mocked “1,000 points of light” last summer at a rally, saying “What the hell is that? Has anyone ever figured that one out? And it was put out by a Republican, wasn’t it?”

Alan Simpson, former Republican senator from Wyoming, regaled the congregati­on with stories from his years as Bush’s friend in Washington. More seriously, he recalled that when he went through a rough patch in the political game, Bush conspicuou­sly stood by him.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? Former President George W. Bush touches the casket of his father, former president George H.W. Bush, at the state funeral at the National Cathedral, Wednesday in Washington.
AP PHOTO Former President George W. Bush touches the casket of his father, former president George H.W. Bush, at the state funeral at the National Cathedral, Wednesday in Washington.

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