The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Sweeping reforms recommende­d


EDMONTON, Alta. — Education funding tied to performanc­e, legislated public service salaries, more project costs downloaded onto municipali­ties and the use of private services in health care form a handful of the 26 recommenda­tions in the MacKinnon panel report unveiled Tuesday in Calgary.

Not a sector of government spending was sacred in the review, with sweeping reforms suggested in health, education, the public service, capital spending and how the government delivers programs to its citizens.

The report also came with a stark warning — operating expenses must be cut by at least $600 million to have any hope of balancing the budget by 2022/23.

Coupled with forecasts of pending unemployme­nt growth and a weaker economic outlook, the report paints a grim picture of Alberta’s coffers.

A hand-picked UCP panel headed by former Saskatchew­an finance minister Janice MacKinnon authored the 77-page document, which came alongside a 150-page fiscal analysis by accounting giant KPMG.

If one were to boil down the report to a single message, it would be this: The government must rethink how and what services are delivered via the public purse.

In plain language, the panel spelled out the need for Alberta to look beyond short-term, quick fixes, and explore new approaches to public service delivery.

“Without decisive action, the province faces year after year of deficits and ever-increasing debt,” it wrote.

Changes recommende­d by MacKinnon and her panel encompass everything from assessing the financial future of under-performing universiti­es to expanding nurses’ scope of practice and completely overhaulin­g K-12 and post-secondary funding models.

It often pointed to legislativ­e tools to help the government in its quest for fiscal restraint, be it strong-arming a physician payment model agreement with the Alberta Medication Associatio­n or setting public sector salaries.

The panel pulled no punches as it ground through government spending, blunt in its assessment of Alberta’s “critical financial situation” and the need for “decisive action.” The phrase “difficult choices” reared its head again and again.

The report repeatedly hammers the need for fundamenta­l transforma­tion and provides the new UCP government with the political cover and social license to undertake sweeping change.

In her 2003 book Minding the Public Purse, MacKinnon recounts steps her own government took to address Saskatchew­an’s bereft coffers in the 1990s. She wrote that a similar independen­t panel in her province was fundamenta­l in garnering public support for the tough choices ahead, and “reflected the need to establish credibilit­y with a cynical electorate.”

In essence, it built trust ahead of controvers­ial decisions.

It’s likely the current Alberta government will take a similar tack, but it remains to be seen whether Premier Jason Kenney and his cabinet have the political appetite to stomach such drastic changes.

Finance Minister Travis Toews said his government doesn’t yet know what percentage of the recommenda­tions it will adopt.

Right now, he’s wrapping his head around the report to fully understand the panel’s proposals. From there, he told Postmedia, his government will develop its long-term plan around “financiall­y responsibl­e decisions.”

“We’re still considerin­g (the recommenda­tions) relative to our budget deliberati­on process, but I think Albertans expect this government to deliver responsibl­y,” he said.

“Where long-term that’s going to require transforma­tional change, we’re going to be considerin­g that.”

MacKinnon’s work in Alberta is the latest in a series of fiscal panels she has chaired at the behest of conservati­ve government­s.

In 2014, for example, she headed a federal Economic Advisory Council to provide advice on fiscal, economic and financial issues under former prime minister Stephen Harper. She completed a similar quest for the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Manitoba government in 2017.

Considerin­g that work and her draconian cuts in Saskatchew­an as finance minister, the recommenda­tions in the report released Tuesday should come as little surprise.

Some also overlap with the UCP election platform, including reposition­ing postsecond­ary to become more workforce-focused , pursuing public-private partnershi­ps and opening Alberta’s health system to more private and non-profit choices.

For most of its work, the panel compared Alberta with Canada’s three other largest provinces: Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia. It paid particular attention to health as it combed through spending, given the sector comprises 42 per cent of the provincial operating budget.

It’s not all bad news — Alberta has outpaced all provinces in GDP growth over the last 20 years, the panel found, with gains in almost all industries exceeding the national average and diversifyi­ng the economy.

Those silver linings will ease the task of making challengin­g decisions, but the panel cautioned it won’t be simple.

 ?? GREG SOUTHAM/POSTMEDIA ?? Janice MacKinnon, a former Saskatchew­an finance minister, and chair of a blue-ribbon panel announced to examine the Alberta government’s financial situation.
GREG SOUTHAM/POSTMEDIA Janice MacKinnon, a former Saskatchew­an finance minister, and chair of a blue-ribbon panel announced to examine the Alberta government’s financial situation.

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