The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Impeachmen­t divides urban and rural Democrats

Polls show public sentiment breaking along partisan lines


First-term U.S. congresswo­man Cynthia Axne, back home in her rural Iowa district for the Thanksgivi­ng break, faced a room full of farmers on Saturday who made clear their opposition to the impeachmen­t investigat­ion of Republican President Donald Trump.

Axne, 54, avoided any mention of impeachmen­t until one of her constituen­ts, a Democrat who voted for her, said he views the investigat­ion as a waste of time and money: “Let’s not vote for impeachmen­t. Let’s get stuff done. I’m sick of it!”, he bellowed. Others nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, 1,000 miles away in the old industrial town of Wharton, N.J., freshman U.S. congressma­n Tom Malinowksi was treated like a rock star when he told a crowd of about 150 he believed the evidence to impeach Trump was overwhelmi­ng.

With each mention of impeachmen­t and denunciati­on of Trump, Malinowski was greeted with loud applause from voters packed into a tiny library basement, where the room hummed with talk of ousting the president.

These two freshman lawmakers flipped districts from Republican control in the 2018 midterm congressio­nal elections, two of the 41 net gains that helped Democrats regain control of the House of Representa­tives for the first time since 2011.

Yet on impeachmen­t, as they face close fights for their seats again next November, their approach is starkly different. Axne avoids any mention of it; Malinowski leans into the topic.

Polls show public sentiment about impeachmen­t breaking along partisan lines, but the reaction of Democratic voters in these two swing districts suggests there is also a rural and suburban divide on the issue among Democrats.

“I don’t talk about impeachmen­t,” Axne, who defeated Republican David Young in 2016 by just two points, said in an interview.

“These are hard working, salt of the earth people who just want to make a living and provide for their families. They’re tired of what they consider the bureaucrac­y and the politics of Washington and that’s true to what Iowans are. Impeachmen­t is not a priority in their lives.”

Axne supports the impeachmen­t inquiry, and says if there is proof Trump abused his office and harmed America’s national security in his dealings with Ukraine, she will vote to impeach him - even it means losing her seat. She agreed she could face voter backlash.

“My job is to work for the people here in this district and do a good job for them. But my job also is to protect this country. If we find out that the president has put us in harm’s way, then I have absolutely no problem losing a seat over that.”

To loud applause in his New Jersey district, about 50 miles west of New York, Malinowski said: “The president is free to pursue a foreign policy that he believes is in the national interest, but he is not free to pursue a foreign policy that only serves his political interest,”

Malinowski, 53, a Polish-born former employee of the State Department, was the first New Jersey House member to call for Trump’s impeachmen­t. He asked the crowd to put up their hands if they were watching the hearings and nearly all of the some 150 people in attendance put their arms in the air.

Five days of public hearings in the Democratic-led impeachmen­t inquiry concluded on Thursday. The probe is looking into Trump’s pressure campaign to get Ukraine to investigat­e Joe Biden, a leading contender for the Democratic presidenti­al nomination to challenge Trump in 2020, and his son Hunter, who had served on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma.

The probe is also examining whether Trump abused his power by temporaril­y withholdin­g $391 million in security aid to Ukraine, approved by Congress to fight Russia-backed separatist­s, to pressure Kiev into conducting the investigat­ion.

Asked how he was going to vote on impeachmen­t, Malinowski said he had not made a final decision, but added: “I think you can tell from my presentati­on that I believe the evidence against the president is quite strong.”

He had plenty of company at the town hall. Frank Harder, a 71-year retired purchasing agent and registered Democrat, has supported impeaching Trump for months.

“I think the man is a traitor,” said Harder, who has been a registered Democrat since returning from a tour in Vietnam in 1971. “I think he’s Putin’s little puppet,” he said, referring to Trump’s efforts to build a closer relationsh­ip with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A handful of Republican lawmakers in moderate districts will be greeted on the Thanksgivi­ng break by mobile billboards urging them to support impeachmen­t.

The ads were purchased by the Need to Impeach and MoveOn. org, two left-leaning groups that have been seeking new ways to apply pressure on Republican­s and Democrats who have been reluctant to support impeachmen­t.

The ads will target Republican U.S. representa­tives like Brian Fitzpatric­k of Pennsylvan­ia and Elise Stefanik of New York.

In addition to the mobile billboards, MoveOn launched an ad campaign targeting Stefanik in her home district.

 ?? REUTERS ?? U.S. President Donald Trump participat­es in a listening session on youth vaping and the electronic cigarette epidemic inside the Cabinet Room at the White House in Washington on Friday.
REUTERS U.S. President Donald Trump participat­es in a listening session on youth vaping and the electronic cigarette epidemic inside the Cabinet Room at the White House in Washington on Friday.

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