The Guardian (Charlottetown)


Job-hunting website finds 35 per cent want to do away with such office celebratio­ns, citing financial and emotional pressures


Some millennial­s want Secret Santas and other office-related celebratio­ns that involve coworkers “chipping in” for gifts to be banned, according to a new survey.

Results of the research by British job-hunting website Jobsite found that 35 per cent of millennial­s want to do away with such office celebratio­ns, citing financial and emotional pressures.

According to the survey, workers spend an average of $169 a year on office events like birthdays, promotions and Secret Santas and fork over close to $8,000 over the course of their careers.

However, the survey found that millennial­s spend 34 per cent more than the average worker, shelling out $258 per year or $12,142 over their careers.

Almost three quarters of millennial­s say they’ve contribute­d more than they could afford, with 26 per cent either dipping into their savings or over-drafting their accounts to pay for office celebratio­ns.

Close to a quarter of those younger employees say they were upset with the people organizing the office events.

Seventeen per cent say they feel judged by their colleagues for the amount they contribute,

“resulting in a sense of shame within the workplace,” the report said.

While most workers surveyed acknowledg­ed the morale boast these social events can bring to the office, millennial­s were more likely (24 per cent) to agree with asking their employers to have dedicated budgets for social events to avoid “chipping in.”

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 ?? FILE ?? Some millennial­s want Secret Santas and other office-related celebratio­ns that involve co-workers “chipping in” for gifts to be banned, according to a new survey.
FILE Some millennial­s want Secret Santas and other office-related celebratio­ns that involve co-workers “chipping in” for gifts to be banned, according to a new survey.

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