The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Turning point

Trudeau’s May 14, 1980, ‘Elliott’ speech a defining moment in first Quebec referendum


It was the defining moment of the first Quebec referendum, and one of the greatest political speeches in modern Canadian history.

But the Elliott speech, as it has been known since Pierre Trudeau delivered it on May 14, 1980, was almost an accident of history.

It began two days earlier with two short paragraphs in a story included in daily morning clippings for a meeting of senior staff and advisers with the prime minister.

In the piece, René Lévesque was quoted as saying Trudeau was not a real French-Canadian because his mother’s name was Elliott. It had been included in the daily news digest by Claude Morin of the PM’s referendum staff group.

“Some of the people didn’t think it was important,” Morin would later recall. “But it was clear he wanted to discuss it.”

Trudeau speech writer André Burelle began writing up a list of “Péquistes with English names,” including many of Lévesque’s closest advisers and cabinet ministers.

Now, everyone around the table saw where Trudeau was going with it. Burelle didn’t write a text for the prime minister, just a list of names he committed to memory.

Two nights later at the Paul Sauvé Arena, Trudeau delivered the coup de grâce of the campaign.

“Bien sûr que mon nom est Pierre Elliott Trudeau,” he declared. “C’était le nom de ma mère, voyez-vous?”

He continued: “It was the name borne by the Elliotts who came to Canada more than 200 years ago. It is the name of the Elliotts who, more than 100 years ago, settled in St-Gabriel-de-Brandon, where you can still see their names in the cemetery.”

He was just getting started. “Mon nom est Québécois,” he said in a play on the words of the No campaign slogan, “Mon non est Québécois.”

“But my name is a Canadian name also, and that’s the story of my name.”

He was not yet done. He recited the names of Pierre Marc Johnson and his father and brother Daniel, a past premier and two future ones. “Now I ask you, is Johnson an English name or a French name?” Trudeau threw in the names of prominent Péquistes such as Louis O’Neill and

Robert Burns, members of an Irish-Québécois demographi­c that had so integrated with vieille-souche francophon­e families over generation­s that many of the province’s O’Learys and Doyles didn’t speak a word of English.

The crowd had been chanting “Trudeau, Trudeau,” but switched to cries of “Elliott, Elliott.”

This wasn’t about “le bargaining power” or about a mandate question to negotiate sovereignt­y-associatio­n — it was about a sense of identity, Québécois et Canadien, and being both. And there was also a question of pride in Trudeau as both a native son of Quebec and one who represente­d Quebecers on the Canadian and world stage.

It was the moment the federalist forces clinched the vote that was delivered six days later on May 20, winning the referendum by a convincing 60-40 margin.

It was the heart of a speech that almost didn’t happen, in a campaign that almost didn’t have Trudeau as a player in it.

Only a year earlier, Trudeau had been defeated in the May 22, 1979 election by Conservati­ve Leader Joe Clark. But Clark, seemingly unmindful that he led a minority government, brought in a fall budget that included an 18-cent-agallon gasoline tax. Amid the blowback, Clark was urged by his advisers to call off the budget vote.

Clark had until the afternoon of the Dec. 13 vote to give notice of cancellati­on, and could have had the House adjourn for the holidays instead. Or Clark could easily have bought off the Créditiste­s of Fabien Roy and their six rural Quebec MPs by giving them office space and staff normally reserved for recognized parties in the Commons. But the Créditiste­s abstained while three Conservati­ve members were absent. The Conservati­ves famously lost the budget and government by a vote of 139-133.

Trudeau, who had previously announced his retirement, allowed himself to be talked out of it. Going into the campaign with the Liberals 20 points ahead, Trudeau confided to one old friend that he would win the election, fight the referendum, stay on for two or three years as prime minister and then “do what I want to do” for the rest of his life.

He did all four. But without that fateful Tory budget vote in the House, there would have been no role for Trudeau in the referendum and down the road, no Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The Elliott speech was the capstone of four carefully planned Trudeau interventi­ons in the referendum campaign.

There had already been an important event starring supporting players, the allwomen’s Yvette rally at the Montreal Forum on April 7, which had moved undecided and discreet public opinion to the No side. The Yvettes were spontaneou­sly organized by suburban Montreal women such as Louise Robic, later Quebec Liberal Party president and a cabinet minister in the government of Robert Bourassa. The women insisted on reserving the 15,000-seat home of the Canadiens over the objections of Liberal organizers, who feared the place would be half-empty.

They had been provoked by PQ cabinet member Lise Payette. She committed the first major blunder of the Yes campaign when she compared women No voters to Yvettes, the name of a submissive character in a school reader. Even worse, she said Liberal Leader Claude Ryan had married an Yvette. The Yvettes’ star lineup featured Madeleine Ryan, Liberal MNA Solange Chaput-Rolland, federal Health Minister Monique Bégin, incoming House of Commons Speaker Jeanne Sauvé and women’s rights pioneer Thérèse Casgrain, who four decades earlier had worked to win women the right to vote in Quebec.

Fifteen thousand women paid $5 at the door and filled the Forum to overflowin­g, inspiring rallies of likeminded women around the province.

As for Trudeau, he formally entered the referendum fray on April 15 with a House speech remarkable for its rhetorical flourish. “What is the feeling of belonging to a country, which we call citizenshi­p?” he asked. “And what is the feeling of loving a country, which we call patriotism?”

Lévesque’s mandate question for sovereignt­y-associatio­n, Trudeau said, did not meet the test of country. At 114 words in French, 107 words in English, it was a soft question that promised a second referendum to ratify a sovereign Quebec in economic associatio­n with Canada.

 ?? MONTREAL GAZETTE FILES ?? Introduced by then-justice minister Jean Chrétien, right, Pierre Elliott Trudeau galvanized supporters at Montreal’s Paul Sauvé Arena on May 14, 1980, when he celebrated a sense of being both Québécois and Canadian.
MONTREAL GAZETTE FILES Introduced by then-justice minister Jean Chrétien, right, Pierre Elliott Trudeau galvanized supporters at Montreal’s Paul Sauvé Arena on May 14, 1980, when he celebrated a sense of being both Québécois and Canadian.

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