The Guardian (Charlottetown)



My father Wendell always said, “Minority government­s are the best: they have to work for the people, not themselves.”

Coming up to the byelection here in Charlottet­own, I have to agree. It doesn't really matter who wins the election because it is usually the politician­s who win, not the ordinary fellow, and now is no time to give Premier Dennis King a blank cheque. People need to keep him on the chain, and I will tell you why. Last week in the news, the City of Charlottet­own announced they would have to slow down a project I think was just grand. They plan on making a nice paved way for people to walk and bicycle without worrying about cars and trucks coming at them, and it will go from the QEH all the way around to our area back of the Towers mall.

As I understand it, the city was doing this on the instalment plan, one part each year for three years, which is a long while to wait, but it is better than having our kids walking along the bypass highway at night. I hate to think of the speeding and racing that goes on there every day.

The King government promised to pay half the cost, which is a good thing considerin­g all the costs the city has already, but after the bids came in this year for the first instalment, the cost was about $600,000 more than was on the books. So the city asked the government to add an additional $300,000 so that they could get this project done. The government said no.

Think about that: we are paving all over P.E.I. this year, paving dirt roads with nobody living on them, and right here, where people are supposed to get out walking, fresh air and avoid COVID-19, Dennis King would not find $300,000 so that the city could pay for the contract, and now it will be done next year instead of now.

That might mean we will not get our instalment until another two years, which is just fine if you are in your government car, Mr. King, but get out of your office on Rochford

Street and come out to our area. There are racing cars, terrible noise all the time and not many sidewalks, even if they were safe to be walking on them.

Shame on you and your candidate Zack Bell who will not stand up for us here who want a good place to live. If you cared one bit about the people you would get this walking path built and do something about the traffic racing up and down the streets. Charlottet­own was not able to count on you, and neither should we. You do not deserve a blank cheque. Your name may be King, but you are not my King!

Lorraine Gallant, Charlottet­own

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