The Guardian (Charlottetown)



I'm writing to you today about the March 26 edition of The Guardian.

I was heartbroke­n to come across a full, twopage ad for the 73rd annual Easter Beef Show and Sale 2024.

The beautiful cattle featured with their families and ribbons, I thought they were pets being displayed by their proud owners.

To my dismay, however, they were being sold by the pound. The pictures' captions go on to list who has bought them, and read from “head to tail.” How horrifying, as if these animals are nothing.

I'm disappoint­ed by the lack of compassion and empathy. The lack of respect for farm animals is heartbreak­ing. They are not just pounds of meat, from head to tail, they are sentient beings that deserve our protection.

I just moved to Bloomfield, West Prince, last summer. My neighbour across the road has cows and I can hear them bellowing from inside my home.

I contacted P.E.I. animal welfare, as I found it cruel that the cows in this holding shed were never let outside. I didn't realize it was a feedlot, and no one bothered to call me back to let me know. I had to do my own followup with a staff member who could care less of my concern.

Food is grown, not born. This Island has many things to offer, and the needless slaughter of innocent animals has to change. If people had to watch how the cattle are being killed, I think it would change their way of thinking and how they see animals.

To put ribbons on them and smile while they are being sold to be killed is dishearten­ing.

Liliana Varriano,

Bloomfield, P.E.I.

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