The Hamilton Spectator

4 yoga poses to lessen your hangover


After an especially indulgent night, the last thing you may want to do is think about working out. Though research has shown that a quick sweat session is good for your hangover, sticking to a lower-impact option may be best for some.

“When you’re going out, your nervous system is stimulated,” yoga instructor Alexis Novak said. “You’re dehydrated, exhausted, and later, your body is trying to nurturing itself.”

And one of the best ways to give your body some much-needed love is to skip the mat, stay in bed, and practice your flow.

“Yoga helps calm the nervous system, reset the endocrine system, and release toxins from your body,” Novak said. “So it is only fitting that it would help heal and recover you from a hangover.”

First thing you should do the morning after, is respect your body. The next step: follow Novak’s four yoga moves to help cure your hangover. 1. Start in corpse pose If you were out late, you most likely didn’t get an adequate amount of sleep. Savasana (a yoga move you should never skip) is your body’s neutral position.

Do it: Lie flat on your back with your palms facing up. Allow for your neck, head, and shoulders to “melt” into your bed or onto the floor. Breathe deeply. 2. Supine twist Did you stand all night? Dance? Drop it lower than you can even believe or remember? This pose will help you relieve the lower back. It elongates the tiny muscles that run along the spine and gluteus.

Do it: Starting on your back, twist your knees to one side, keeping your shoulders grounded. Reclined twists aid in the digestive process and rinse toxins from our body. 3. Child’s pose This post is perfect for improving your posture and your endocrine system, which starts at the head and ends in the belly, and regulates your hormones and nervous system — which can get pretty overstimul­ated after a night out.

Do it: Sit on your heels, separate your knees to hip-width and lean forward till your forehead is on the floor and your arms are extended, palms down, in front of you. Let your hips and back relax and send a few calming breaths into the front of the chest. 4. Legs-up-the-wall pose This pose helps to restore awareness and soothe anxiety. It’s one of the yoga moves that remedies cramps, belly bloat and ache, and eases migraine tension. Allowing for the feet to take a rest above our pelvis also will reduce lower body swelling and aches.

Do it: Start on your side, scoot your tailbone about 4-inches away from the wall or your headboard and roll onto your back. Walk your heels up the wall, and find a comfortabl­e relaxed position.

To further help recover, hydrate all morning.

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