The Hamilton Spectator

What makes the Spec an authority?

- RE: Think like a journalist (Aug. 20)

I found the statement “The Spectator is a better authority than most on the proposed Hamilton LRT …” both encouragin­g and alarming. Encouragin­g because, here at last, we have an entity that can tell us what the truth and facts are (the theme of your editorial) related to the LRT. At the same time I was alarmed that a media outlet would be so presumptuo­us as to think it has the best command of the facts.

So here is my request — no, my challenge: Please tell us, the “unauthorit­ative” ones, on what facts and truths you base your support for the LRT. Please cover all the relevant issues: What problem needs to be solved, now and in the future, what city-wide transit options have been considered, what evaluation criteria (cost, disruption to the existing infrastruc­ture, compatibil­ity with 21st century technology like autonomous vehicles, etc.) were used and why LRT?

Please don’t bother to repeat the oft-used non-reason for the LRT: “We can’t forgo the $1 billion gift.” That is not a sufficient reason to tear the city in half. At the risk of digressing, we must remember that Trojans also thought they could not forgo accepting a gift (from the Greeks). There are times when, “looking a gift horse in the mouth” is warranted and not in bad taste. Milan Gacesa, Dundas

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