The Hamilton Spectator

BDS is just death to Israel light

- RE: Green party is right on BDS (Aug. 23)

Wow! I had to read that line a second time to make sure I read it right … “Israel is a genocidal war machine.” The same Israel that returned the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip for peace.

Not a peep about the fanatical theocracy of Hamas, who openly wish to destroy Israel, whose charter proclaims “There is no solution to the Palestinia­n problem except jihad.” Not Iran, with slogans painted on their warheads proclaimin­g the destructio­n of Israel, supported by Khamenei, who has proclaimed there would be no Israel in 25 years. Nothing about Hezbollah, who years ago protested with flags decorated with a nuclear mushroom proclaimin­g the annihilati­on of Israel.

It’s hard to take this letter writer’s lopsided thinking seriously. While proclaimin­g Israel as a genocidal war machine, he ignores countries that have spent years proclaimin­g their genocidal intentions with shouts of “Death to Israel.” The BDS movement is just “Death to Israel Light.” Chris Asimoudis, Ancaster

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