The Hamilton Spectator

Hamilton MPPs bill will fix a broken system

Paul Miller’s bill seeks for welfare rates to be based on the actual cost of essentials

- TOM COOPER AND LAURA CATTARI Laura Cattari is campaign co-ordinator for Fix the Gap: www.fixthegap.hamiltonpo­ and Tom Cooper is director of the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction.

“It’s déjà vu all over again”

The famous quip by baseball legend Yogi Berra could easily be applied to recent attempts to reform social assistance here in Ontario.

On Thursday, Hamilton East — Stoney Creek MPP Paul Miller will present a bill for second reading in the Ontario Legislatur­e: Bill 6 could help fix a broken social assistance system that currently leaves recipients living in dire poverty. At the heart of the legislativ­e initiative is an attempt to restore dignity and opportunit­y for 900,000 social assistance recipients in this province who often become trapped in the cycle of deep poverty.

This is the second time the New Democratic member will be presenting an idea that’s not only reasonable, but pretty simple: His proposal is to set social assistance rates based on the actual costs of things like food, rental housing, clothing and other essentials.

An earlier version of this proposal was Bill 185 and won the unanimous support of all parties at Queen’s Park in April. Unfortunat­ely, that bill died on the order paper earlier this month when the Premier prorogued the Ontario Legislatur­e and a new Speech from the Throne was announced. Like all good Hamiltonia­ns, Miller didn’t give up and on the first day the Legislatur­e sat in the new session, he presented the same bill all over again. So meet the new bill, same as the old bill. We’re hoping Bill 6 will garner the unanimous support it received from all the parties the first time around.

Provincial social assistance has not been reformed in a generation. Rates are arbitraril­y set at the political level and not based on the evidence of what it costs to live in Ontario. As a result, rates come nowhere close (anywhere in Ontario) to reflecting the real costs of basic necessitie­s.

Later this month, rates for Ontario Works (basic welfare) will rise to $706/month, but consider this: In Toronto the average rent for bachelor apartments is $937. Bachelor apartments are the lowest cost rental accommodat­ion tracked by the Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporatio­n and still are more than $200 out of reach for single people on social assistance.

In other communitie­s average rents may be a bit lower. In Hamilton, for example, that bachelor apartment goes for $607 a month which might leave an Ontario Works recipient with a little more than three dollars a day to cover food, utilities, clothing or a telephone. Quite simply the numbers don’t add up and never have. That’s why the vast majority of people needing to use food banks in Ontario are actually on provincial social assistance programs.

Over the last two decades prices have skyrockete­d. According to the Canadian consumer price index used by Statistics Canada, over the last two decades the price of eggs has shot up 114 per cent, bread’s up 143 per cent and even bathroom tissue has risen by 53 per cent. Rents here in Hamilton are up 63 per cent since 1995, but social assistance rates have barely moved.

Miller’s bill, worked on in collaborat­ion with former staff lawyer at Hamilton Community Legal Clinic, Craig Foye, couldn’t compel the government to increase rates, but it does create a framework to at least find out how much income people need to live on. The right to an adequate standard of living is something Canada has agreed to in internatio­nal covenants, but we’re not protecting.

Importantl­y, the recommenda­tions in Bill 6 depolitici­ze the process of setting of social assistance rates. MPPs used to be criticized for deciding their own salaries. A few years back they created an arms-length body to make recommenda­tions on MPP pay. Bill 6 creates a similar arms-length method to recommend appropriat­e social assistance rates. Last week, the Hamilton Poverty Roundtable and community partners launched a new initiative called Fix the Gap. The campaign tries to shine a bright light on the growing inequity of single people on social assistance. For too long, provincial social assistance rates have been at the mercy of political whim, but now with Bill 6 there’s now a glimmer of hope that might change.

St. Catharines Liberal MPP, Jim Bradley, the longest serving member of the Ontario Legislatur­e, noted during debate on Bill 185 in April “What the member is trying to do is get some independen­t assessment and independen­t recommenda­tions to government. Ultimately, government has to make those tough decisions, and they are. They’re never easy decisions to make, but to have the kind of recommenda­tions he is trying to elicit through this initiative will be very helpful to government and to the Legislatur­e as a whole”.

Bradley’s words rang true in April as they do now in September. Individual­s on social assistance have waited a long time for action; it’s time to fix a broken system that leaves too many people living in deep poverty. It’s time to fix social assistance and get behind Bill 6.

 ?? HAMILTON SPECTATOR FILE PHOTO ?? Many Hamilton welfare recipients also need to use food banks to get by.
HAMILTON SPECTATOR FILE PHOTO Many Hamilton welfare recipients also need to use food banks to get by.

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