The Hamilton Spectator

The golden rule is hardly just Christian

RE: Christiani­ty gave us the golden rule (May 10)


In a round about way this writer implies the golden rule as somehow being founded in Christian religion. I would just ask that if they are going to treat others as they would wish to be treated let’s start by being informed and honest with the readers.

The golden rule exists in virtually every culture and religion and has, in one form or other, been articulate­d by many throughout history. Confucius, born in 551 BC, announced the rule several times. “What you do not like when done to yourself, do not to others.” Also, I would think that how you wish to be treated may not necessaril­y be what is in someone else’s best interest. Golden rule is OK — but not necessaril­y perfect. In any case, clearly the golden rule is hardly unique to Christian faith. Brad Widerman, Stoney Creek

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