The Hamilton Spectator

Not a fan of city hall’s new sign


RE: New sign for the city

Wow, a new sign spelling out HAMILTON in front of City Hall, and it will light up, too. While the mayor says it won’t cost the taxpayers anything I can’t wait to see what $250K to $300K gets you these days when the design is revealed. What I don’t get is why anyone would put a very expensive sign downtown to show all of us who live here what out city is named. Shouldn’t we all know that by now? Wouldn’t it be better if the sign was positioned at a city entry point?

It looks like one of those useless “legacy” projects. And, since this is supposed to be free of cost for the taxpayers I hope the people who are paying for the design and installati­on will also pay for the electricit­y required. Mike Lacroix, Hamilton

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