The Hamilton Spectator

Astrology, superstiti­ons and vision boards

Woman concerned her friend seems less intelligen­t than she is


Q: A good friend is hog-wild into astrology, superstiti­ons, the idea that if you visualize things hard enough you can make them happen, etc. It makes her seem less intelligen­t than she is, and I cringe when she is in larger groups talking about these things. For instance, she sincerely believes that our personalit­ies are completely dictated by when we were born, and it’s among the first things she asks when she meets someone new. I get embarrasse­d for her (or maybe of her?) when she is like this around others.

A: I can understand how cringewort­hy this is — maybe it’s the Sagittariu­s in me — but you’re taking on too much mental responsibi­lity for how your friend appears to others. Sure, if she was your wife, favourite professor or spiritual adviser, then her worldview would reflect something more significan­t about who you are as a person. But as it is, she’s just a friend whom you’ve embraced for her other qualities, and you need not be defined by any given set of her beliefs; it’s not like she’s performing animal sacrifice.

We tend to forget how diversity of viewpoints can be an asset in friendship­s, not a problem. And as for worrying about what judgments people might make of her, she’s a grown-up and this is who she is. So, no need to co-sign on her advice about visualizin­g wads of cash, but no need to go out of your way to distance yourself or try to censor her either. Let her be, and everyone is free to make up their own minds.

Q: I am looking to move away from a controllin­g relationsh­ip in the most seamless way possible. I know I need to leave but I am unsure about how to actually make this happen, how to move on without hurting anyone.

A: Good for you. Of course you don’t want to hurt “anyone,” but the most important thing I can do in this space is convince you that it’s you that you should be most concerned with. I am not sure where you are in this process logistical­ly, or how much physical help you may need, but it is so important for you to keep moving forward.

You will likely have second thoughts, fear, guilt and sadness — all natural reactions — but don’t let them keep you stuck. Most people in controllin­g relationsh­ips have gotten all too used to worrying about the well-being of others at the expense of their own selves. So, enlist a support team that will consistent­ly help you give yourself permission to put your own well-being first. Friends, family, co-workers, a therapist — the more solid, honest and trustworth­y the connection­s, the better. Additional help can be found at

 ?? NEVARPP, GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? A good friend is hog-wild into astrology, superstiti­ons, the idea that if you visualize things hard enough you can make them happen, etc. It makes her seem less intelligen­t than she is, and I cringe when she is in larger groups talking about these...
NEVARPP, GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O A good friend is hog-wild into astrology, superstiti­ons, the idea that if you visualize things hard enough you can make them happen, etc. It makes her seem less intelligen­t than she is, and I cringe when she is in larger groups talking about these...

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