The Hamilton Spectator

Answers to your car questions



Hello Dennis, I am not at all mechanical­ly minded. Pressing the power button is as far as it goes with me and I leave UIF SFTU UP )FGGOFS 5PZPUB B UFSSJlD EFBMFSTIJQ CZ UIF XBZ

My neighbour has a variety of trucks and cars both gasoline and diesel which, before using one of them, he starts and lets UIFN JEMF GPS lWF UP UFO NJOVUFT SBJO PS TIJOF TVNNFS PS

winter. It does not make any economic or environmen­tal TFOTF UP NF FTQFDJBMMZ BT UIF GVNFT BDDVNVMBUF BOE TUJmF

the air, even inside my home, when there isn’t a breeze. Is there a mechanical reason for prolonged idling or, on the other hand, is it detrimenta­l to the engines? What makes me more conscious of this is that I drive a hybrid and do what I can to reduce emissions. I would appreciate hearing from you on this. Best Regards, Derek


Years ago when the vehicles were equipped with the carburatio­n system, some cars needed to be started and run for a few minutes to warm up so that they did not stall when put into gear. With the modern automotive engines of today, letting your vehicle idle, wastes gasoline and causes environmen­tal damage and therefore does not need more than a few seconds of idling time before the vehicle can be driven safely. .PTU DBS FOHJOFFST XPVME BHSFF UIBU JU JT NPSF GVFM FGlDJFOU

and better for the environmen­t to turn a car off than to leave JU SVOOJOH GPS NPSF UIBO UFO UP lGUFFO TFDPOET XIFO QBSLFE

One way to encourage people not to let their vehicles idle is to encourage local government­s and institutio­ns to make no idling a priority, like they have done in some cities. To do our part to help our planet would be to not let our vehicles idle when it is not necessary. The environmen­tal scientists on the government payroll are all over the board with studies that claim we, the motorists, are the greatest cause of global warming but other environmen­tal scientists are saying that the earth goes through warming and cooling over time and that we have little to no effect on the changes. There have been some studies that say cows cause more air pollution than cars but as of yet, the government has not found a way to tax the cows.

We, the average motorists, are paying more than our share with the carbon tax but are confused as to why our governNFOU BGUFS TIVUUJOH EPXO lWF PG PVS DPBM QMBOUT CFDBVTF PG

its known environmen­tal health hazard, then decides to buy one in the US and then has the audacity to charge the motorists a carbon tax. Go lHVSFÞ


Hello Dennis. This is a general quesUJPO OPU SFMBUFE UP BOZ TQFDJlD JTTVF For every car that I have owned over UIF MBTU lGUZ ZFBST * IBWF BMXBZT IBE

dealer servicing and have followed all the schedules suggested in the maintenanc­e manuals. Is it worth it, after the car reaches a certain age (2005) with LJMPNFUSFT UP KVTU lOE B MPDBM

garage and have regular oil changes and ask to have brakes etc. checked when I think about it? Sometimes I wonder if I am paying for things that are not absolutely necessary just because the maintenanc­e schedule says to do it. Thanks very much. Mary from Hamilton


There is an old saying that if it is not CSPLFO EP OPU USZ UP lY JU BOE JO ZPVS DBTF ZPV IBWF CFFO TBUJTlFE XJUI UIF EFBMFS TFSWJDF GPS UIF QBTU lGUZ ZFBST TP why change now. The factory service

maintenanc­e schedule does not always take into considerat­ion the type of driving that one does. For this reason, if the TFSWJDF XSJUFS SFDPNNFOET B TQFDJlD

service outlined in the maintenanc­e schedule to be done to your car, you should always ask if your driving and/ or mileage warrants the service recommende­d by the maintenanc­e schedule.


Can you help me please? I am a single mother of three young children and I believe that a used car dealer is taking advantage of me. I purchased this 2008 Chevrolet from a used car dealer about four weeks ago and as of this date, I have not been able to take it home. There is a transmisTJ­PO QSPCMFN BOE UIFZ DBOOPU lOE PVU

why it is not shifting properly. I told the dealer that I needed the car right away and he told me that I could take JU VOUJM UIFZ lOE PVU XIZ JU JT OPU TIJGUing properly. I told them that I will not take the car in that condition and would like my money back to buy another car. They told me that they have an older car that they will put me into but I do not like the look of the car nor does it have the power windows like I want. They seem to feel that I am being unreasonab­le if I do not take this other car but it is not what I want. I just want my money back so that I can purchase another vehicle. Can you help me please? Donna from Kitchener


I spoke to the used car dealer and they genuinely do want to help you. A 2009 Chevrolet vehicle just came in and it has all the things that you want and they will exchange that car for the one you bought. You will only be required to pay for the transfers since the other car was not yet transferre­d into your name. You are getting a newer car with lower kilometers and I think that is a good deal for you. The only difference is that it is not the colour that you want.

PS: To my readers: If possible, it would be appreciate­d if your emails would indicate the town, city or village that you live in. Please be advised that all emails cannot be answered. Send your questions (be sure to include your address) by email to:: or mail: Box 10019, Winona, ON L8E 5R1

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