The Hamilton Spectator

Let’s be done with Trump letters


I say Boo. Aren’t we done with the hate trump letters yet, Spec. This one is truly infantile, this letter writer just doesn’t get it. We don’t vote in the U.S., they barely know we exist and for our mayor to actually attempt to get into a tweeting contest with the POTUS is beyond ridiculous! I bet it wasn’t even read.

Something Mr. Santucci may not know, after sending out that tweet, Mayor Fred went on an overseas trip, on our dime, no doubt, calling it a business trip. And that LRT system he is so determined to have installed — more than 50 per cent of Hamiltonia­ns are against this boondoggle, yet the mayor is riding roughshod over us and it seems the route has not yet been definitely decided.

Mr. Sam — you can’t vote in the U.S., your opinion doesn’t matter there. Think for yourself, don’t let our media guide your opinions. The letter printed in today’s paper above yours has the right idea! Susan A. Frandsen, Rockton

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